
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where's the Fast-Forward Button?

I wish blogging had a due date or someone held me accountable so it didn't always get left to the wayside. All of the research and studying and paper writing is leaving me with little time and almost no articulacy for my blog.

I need this semester to be over. No matter what happens, I will be home in 17 days. But I have no idea how it's all going to get done.

Tech week for Skin of Our Teeth starts this Friday. 5-10pm. Saturday 11:30-10pm. Sunday 12-10pm. WHAT.

And what do I have to do?
Sources of World Drama research paper, Sources presentation, Sources final exam.
History of Fashion research paper, Hist. Fash. presentation.
French essay, French quiz, French final exam. (and still more regular French homework)
Nineteenth Century British Novels final paper. (about what??) Oh and have I finished the 565 page novel we're reading right now? Of course not.

I'm seeing Cornel West's lecture tonight. Honesty time: I don't know how actively I will be able to pay attention. I'll probably be thinking about all of the homework I have to do. BUT. I think I would regret not going, and I'm sure I'll get some nugget of wisdom. More on that later? Perhaps.

My mind cannot stay on one subject for too long lately. I feel this will continue right up until the end of the semester. Oh, California is calling my name! [And all of the food my mom taunts me with in her Mobile Uploads album on Facebook]

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! We can do it! It will all be sparkles soon!
    Well, maybe not in California. Heard that place hates happiness.
    <3 library date?
