On Tuesday, I spent time with Kelly. We made Margarita cupcakes, (want arecipe?) , which were so fun and yummy. (ours had pretzels on top for the salt!) After those were baked and frosted, we headed over to visit Kelly's niece! She is an adorable 5 month-old baby named Natalie. Babies just make me so bubbly and genuinely happy. The best natural mood booster. After about an hour there, we went to meet Danae to play Yahtzee (i lost marvelously), eat chips, buy cheap-o pool rafts, and meet her dad for dinner at Via Moto. I had fusilli arrabbiata, which was spicy and delightful! I will never deny my love of pasta. I would love some now...SO HUNGRY.. Ended the day at Danae's house, where I caught up on Pretty Little Liars, my new obsession.
Wednesday was pool day! Nae and I jetted to Albertson's to get some fresh veggies and hummus...made some guac and popped open the junk food we purchased the day before. (Hot Cheetos...my indulgence) Aubrey and Kelly came over, and we hit the pool! I don't think I had been swimming in over a year, which is incredibly depressing. We had such a fun day... jumping, swimming, tanning, eating, reading (for me and baub anyway). Daphne's for dinner, and then home!
Thursday I worked, boring! I also finally finished The Sirens of Titan, which was quite good. I believe the end made the slow parts worth it.
Yesterday I finally got some new sunglasses. After about an hour, I decided on the Fiona model from Spy.

Friday was also my sister's opening night for Hairspray! I was so impressed and could not wipe the smile off of my face the whole time. My sister was wonderful, of course, and I was in such a lovely mood at the end of the show. Standing ovation, no doubt.
Today, today. I woke up at 7:30, to get picked up at 9 by Cortnie Dee for a photo shoot! First stop was Jasmine's, who, come to find out, has THE most incredible closet in the world. An abundance of every type of clothing you could want, dozens of pairs of shoes, walls of belts and scarves, shelves of jeans.... You name it, she has it. (except pantyhose!) She put together 5 funky outfits, and we were off to Jamul! Spent 3 glorious hours shooting, and had the best time with those girls. Totally worth the hot, dirty trek into the wilderness, and every precarious pose I had to get into. So. Much. Fun. One of the best days of summer, hands down. Cannot wait to see the pics, but here's a behind-the-scenes shot I love:

We shot up until 3, then hiked back to the car and zoomed home. I opened the door at 3:53, changed into a dress and grabbed my apron. Mom got me to work right at the stroke of 4. Genius. Worked until 7, stopped at Vons after to get a magazine and a coke, then walked my tired butt home to shower! Looong day, but SO worth it.
I feel so good and content.
I will sleep well tonight :)
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