Actually, three weeks from this minute exactly I will be on a plane to New York. But in just two weeks and some change, my southern California summer will be over. It's bittersweet leaving paradise, that's for sure.
I've spent the past five days with my boyfriend in some capacity. That quality time has been much needed, considering the impending departure. But before I get into all that, let me tell you about my first experience with:
Bikram Yoga.
Uh, wow. 90 minutes in a room that STARTS at 105 degrees, doing 26 lovely little poses..twice. Sorry, that's fifty-two in my book. I was a little anxious all morning, not knowing what to expect and just imagining myself suffocating in the heat. But I got to the studio with my mom, bought some nifty little yoga shorts, and started to feel a little confident. Despite this:

Is this really necessary?? I get it, it's hot yoga! Sheesh.
However intimidating, the flames would not deter me. Then I hit minute 44 in the class. And just about fell flat on my face in surrender. It's so funny; when you first walk in, it's kinda nice! Like a lovely sauna or that warmth of the sun you get at the beach. Don't fool yourself, folks. It gets serious. Being a first-timer, I was 'allowed' to leave the room if I needed to, and drink water whenever I wanted. I'm not going to lie, my first badass thought was that I wouldn't leave the room. Ha. Ha. But after twisting my body in unfamiliar ways and trying to hold poses while watching the numerous beads of sweat drip down my shin (yes, my shin and everywhere else), I was seeing double. I made myself stay until at least halfway through; I succeeded, but at 11:45 I beelined to the bathroom to spend about 30 seconds with my head under the sink. Another 90 seconds of sitting on a bench with a sopping paper towel on my face and I was ready to get back in it. The second half was simultaneously easier and harder. Who knows why. What I do know, though, is what I felt afterwards. Despite all of this whining, Bikram is definitely something I'll be doing again. I felt so loose, so drained, so satisfied, and so strangely clean (I know). The teacher even complimented me on a couple of my poses. I think the best thing about Bikram Yoga is that it kills a few important birds with one stone.
1) Exercise. Something I keep 'forgetting' to do. Yoga is really a fantastic workout for your body, contrary to what some might think.
2) Detox! The heat gets allll those toxins out of your body. There are about 10 other great reasons for the heat, including the fact that it burns fat more easily (!) Read more here. (honestly just the first FAQ site I found... my info came from a physical piece of paper)
3) Focus. Yoga helps to focus and center the really almost forces you to do those things. It's calming, revitalizing, and healing.
I'm all for multi-tasking.... now I just have to find some Bikram Yoga in NY!
After my yoga adventure (and a shower), my mom and I went to South Coast Plaza. (Costa Mesa, CA). Everything you could ever hope to buy is there. It's like a little shopping city. Their Nordstrom Rack was fantastic, and I had a lot of luck with clothes that are classy-casual. Just what I need for my tour guide job.
I spent that night, as well as Tuesday night at Dan's place, and then we drove back Wednesday morning so I could be at work. I've really just been enjoying his hugs and's too real that I'm leaving so soon.
Friday I worked for 5 hours, which was crazy busy (also kind of crazy sweaty), then came home to Dan and headed to Balboa Park to picnic with the fam and then head into the theater to see Hairspray again. ...which was just as good as opening, no surprise there. Also ran into Brian from Vassar, who was in Reefer Madness with me. I knew he lived in SD, but to run into him like that was downright strange to me. Wonderfully pleasant, though!
In news related more to my thoughts than my activities...
I am stressing about going back to the Vass. Just because I have to pack my life up again.
I'm very excited, however, to 'design' my new SINGLE in any way I'd like it!
Sleeping is clearly not a thing I'm good at lately. Hello, 4:58am.
I NEED to go to the library and get one more good novel in before I hit those stuffy academic books again.
Also, need to solidify my major decision and my course plan for the next 3 years. I want to take everything, is the problem.
P.S. I bought adorable black patent leather T-strap Steve Maddens on Thursday.

(The Haylow). New loves. Plus they were on sale!
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